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Here are the most recent titles by Robert Dave Johnston. You can also visit Rob's Amazon Author Page and/or his Facebook Fan Page.



In Depression, When the Darkest Hour is Every Hour, the author talks candidly about the decades he spent in the grips of this crippling condition, how low he sunk, what the turning point was, and how he overcame chronic isolation, negativity, despair and suicidal ideation. The author also talks about historical figures who also battled depression and how they managed it (without the help of today's advanced treatments and medications). Much of the book is dedicated to outlining strategies, diet and lifestyle changes that helped the author overcome depression, as well as an entire chapter on psychotropic medications; the good, the bad and the ugly. Various therapeutic styles are discussed and evaluated. All in all this book gives the reader a thorough manual on depression, how it affects the mind, the symptoms, how to treat it, how to halt depressive episodes, how to transcend negative thinking and train the mind to focus on the positive, finding help for deep -seated emotional trauma, spirituality, helpful holistic practices and much, much more. If you suffer from mild, severe or chronic depression (or if you know someone who does), this book will prove itself to be invaluable and a crucial tool on the journey of recovery.


Welcome to How to Lose 40 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days With Water Fasting, a complete manual for fast and permanent weight loss. We will talk about water fasting, what it is, how it works and how it can help you lose weight faster than any other method known to man. I'll promptly give you a list of banned foods along with a shopping list and menu options to launch a 14-day pre-fasting diet, a simple but powerful calorie restriction regimen designed to kick start weight loss and detoxification - before the actual water fast begins. Hunger and fasting detox symptoms are discussed in detail and we'll look at a variety of tricks and mental techniques that can help you traverse the rough spots without throwing in the towel. We'll also talk about and look at various scientific studies which continue to provide proof that fasting and calorie restriction are beneficial for human health and quality of life. This book is not for the squeamish, lazy or for those seeking the 'easy way.' Fasting is hard medicine, but it will get the job done beyond your wildest dreams. Yes, you will go through discomfort, but it will be more than worth it when you see the new image of yourself in the mirror!
This Second Edition release of How to Lose 30 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days with Juice Fasting outlines a very powerful plan that can slim you down and detoxify your body faster  and more thoroughly than any other method know to man.And now, I've also included an entire chapter with more than 50 juicing recipes that will add variety (and great taste) to this important undertaking. Snke oil and pie in the sky, bye and bye are a dime a dozen. But I have yet to find a weight loss program that wields the same profound results that fasting does. Having been around for thousands of years, fasting has true and time-tested efficacy; when done properly, it will ALWAYS help you to lose weight fast and thoroughly deep-cleanse your system. Fasting also rejuvenates the entire body, often making one look years younger. I recall the triple chin and black bags under my eyes. After the fast, they were gone... my mother said I had turned back the clock at least ten years. Regular fasting and calorie restriction is also said to extend life because the body detoxifies frequently and consistently. Who doesn't want to look a few years younger, right?
Author, Robert Dave Johnston, fasting coach and webmaster of, presents the powerful five-prong intermittent fasting system that helped him overcome obesity, lose 100 pounds and, more importantly, keep it off for more than 10 years. And here's the good news: The weight loss numbers provided by intermittent fasting are very doable. Whether you only need to lose a few pounds, or if you are an athlete seeking for ways to reduce body-fat, or if you are overweight or even seriously obese, the intermittent fasting machine can help you take a quantum leap towards the TOTAL attainment of your goals. I'm not talking about losing 'some' of the weight. With intermittent fasting, you can lose ALL of the weight in a period of time. For instance, by cutting out some foods from your diet and then practicing periods of fasting of just a few hours per week (for starters), it is possible to lose weight very quickly. How much? A 4-hour fast, 3 times per week can actually produce weight loss of 7-to-10 pounds per month (or more, depending on your body makeup and what you eat). 

The "Permanent Weight Loss" Diet (How To Lose Weight Fast , Keep it Off & Renew The Mind, Body & Spirit Through Fasting, Smart Eating & Practical Spirituality Book 1) This book provides detailed instructions on how to launch a simple yet very effective and powerful eating structure that can solve your weight loss issues. The reason why most people start a diet and fail is because they are either unwilling or unprepared to walk through the inevitable hunger and discomfort. However, through proper preparation, and armed with a solid eating structure, nothing can stop you from reaching your weight loss goals. The "Permanent Weight Loss" Diet is designed to be the last diet that you will ever have to do... and - if adopted as a lifestyle - you will NOT gain back any of the weight that you lost. The author will tear down your entire way of eating, cooking and drinking. He will dissmantle  the 'comfort food' argumentss and the 'half-ass' attempts at weight loss. Attemppts that were really no attempt at all because you had on itention of changing REALLY changing your eating habits. But here you have no choice.  My instructions are clear and unambiguous. Now it's your turn to take action!

* Can you imagine yourself capable of facing hunger and cravings and not give in to them?
* Can you imagine yourself sticking to your diet month after month without further delay or interruptions? * Can you imagine the pounds dropping off of your body like never before because you have remained consistent? * Can you imagine yourself keeping the weight off year after year and never having to struggle with your weight again?
How much would all of this be worth to you? The answer is ... LOTS! And helping you to achieve those goals is exactly what this book is all about. Have you tried to lose weight many times and not succeeded? Have you lost weight in the past but regained it in a matter of months? Do you find yourself gung-ho with your diet at one moment, then, just like that, succumb to hunger and or cravings? If so, then you're in the right place. We all know that sticking to a diet long-term can be a challenge. Wanting to eat in-between meals and struggling with the imperious urge for junk food (or any other food not in your diet) are the toughest foes in any weight loss program. Particularly if you are having a bad day or are otherwise physically or emotionally tired, a sudden assault of hunger and cravings could very well cause one to stray. That is why it is important to have mental tools readily-available that can neutralize these mental enemies before they sabotage your progress.
In Binge Free, I present the story of my descent to the depths of hell with binge-eating disorder, my journey back to humanity and the various mental techniques and lifestyle changes that helped me to overcome 25 years of isolation, depression and binging insanity. While this killer sickness caused me to lose my humanity, dignity and hope for life, I managed to escape and, through hard work and determination, have found restoration, peace and happiness. If there be any reason for me to still live, I hope that it's to reach-out to others who suffer and share with them the tools that helped me to recover, and have kept me binge free for ten years. My message is that you, too, can attain this freedom. Binge eating is a sickness that lives in the mind and uses our own thoughts, feelings and memories to entice and trap us. Therefore, to achieve long-term recovery, it is imperative to have a suitable arsenal of mental strategies to counterattack, expose the lies and say NO to binging. Together with a series of lifestyle changes that I suggest, this book gives you the goods straight from the experience of a food addict that survived the assault of binge-eating disorder. I hold nothing back and give you practical tips and tools that you can put to use right away so that you can learn to vanquish the binge eating monster once and for all.
The 10-Day 'At Home' Colon Cleansing Formula is Volume 1 of 3 of the series 'Detoxify Your Body, Lose Weight, Get Healthy & Transform Your Life.' This book is comprised of a simple yet very powerful holistic remedy that, in essence, forcefully expels toxic buildup and debris from the colon, freeing the body of rotten and putrefied waste that, in some cases, hitch a ride in a person's body for months... even years. Since disease begins in the colon, this remedy, when done correctly, can zap any sickness that tries to hide in the colon and digestive system. If you have eaten poorly for years and are overweight, or even if you eat like the angels and are trim and sleek, you could still have a healthy amount of undigested food in your bowels, infecting the bloodstream and vital organs, curtailing your quality if life and moving you, ever slowly, toward sickness. The time is NOW to destroy all of the toxic fecal matter that threatens your health and future. And The 10-Day 'At Home' Colon Cleansing Formula will show you what to do so that you can solve the problem and recapture the optimal health that you deserve.
In this edition, the author  details a simple yet effective cleansing diet that can produce 20 pounds (or more) of weight loss in one month, as well as a  three-phase plan to destroy parasites and detoxify the liver and  kidneys. 

This step-by-step manual includes sample menus and a list of foods to avoid, in addition to detailed  instructions on how to prepare the various detoxification remedies and carry them out.
Furthermore, the author offers motivation, inspiration and tips to help the reader make permanent eating-habit and lifestyle changes. 

If you want to lose weight and drastically improve your health and quality of life, and if you are ready to roll-up your sleeves and take assertive action, then this dynamic program  can help you go the distance so that you can (finally) achieve all of your goals.   
This book outlines a simple but very powerful step-by-step holistic program of intermittent fasting and coffee enemas to help produce maximum weight loss and deep bowel detoxification. The regimen includes pre-fast preparation menus, meal ideas and a 20-hour daily fasting structure accompanied by night time meals and snacks. I also talk about the detox symptoms that you are likely to feel, and I give you various tips and methods to overcome them so that you can go the distance. Following the instructions as outlined, it is not unusual to lose anywhere from 7-10 pounds weekly (or more). Particularly if this is the first time you do this type of cleansing, the weight loss will be notable. However, deep detoxification requires practice, perseverance and patience. But the benefits that you will enjoy are huge. Not only will you lose weight, but you will empty the digestive system of toxins and fecal debris that curtails quality of life. I know people that have discarded large, black chunks of debris unlike anything they'd experienced before.  Many people that I talk to tell me they literally feel renewed with added energy, inner calm, mental clarity and an overall sense of wellness.
* Would you like to start a diet, stick to it, and lose ALL of the weight you wanted?
* Would you like to NOT gain the weight back and remain thin for many years to come?
* Would you like to easily say NO to junk food and other foods that you formerly could not resist?
* In short, would you like to SOLVE the weight problem once and for all and enjoy your life thin and with a healthy relationship with food?  Helping you to accomplish all of these points is what this book is all about.Here's the bottom line: I was stuck in obesity and binge eating for more than 20 years, during which time I 'trained' myself to believe and act upon all sorts of destructive and negative nonsense. I ate everything and anything that the mind and belly wanted. THEN I realized that if I wanted to be free of this poisonous mental chatter, I would have to work at identifying (and overwriting) the conscious and subconscious "fat" patterns that fed the insanity and kept me eating in excess and at the wrong times; the patterns that made me weak in the sight of food and caused me to always be nibbling, grazing and eating, eating and eating. I was fed up and wanted to overcome obesity once and for all. I had to create a new mental program that supported and facilitated my goals rather than destroy them.
In Lose The Emotional Baggage: Transform Your Mind & Spirit With Fasting, I take you step-by-step through the 'Ultimate Freedom Formula' which helped me to find healing from more than 20 years of crippling depression and binge eating disorder.If you struggle with recurring negative emotions and destructive behaviors and/or addictions, then this book gives you a practical and effective formula that will allow you to tap into the huge invisible power that fasting always provides.The material is presented in a straightforward, non-religious format, so you will be able to carry out the formula even if you have no spiritual beliefs and are an agnostic.If you can maintain an open mind and become willing to simply observethe possibility that 'maybe' there is something to this fasting practice, then that is more than enough to crack the door open just enough receive tremendous transcendental benefit.
* In, "Burn the Blubber - How to Lose Belly Fat Fast (And For Good!)," author Robert Dave Johnston gives you an in-depth look at the causes of belly fat, the health implications and a comprehensive list of tips, techniques and lifestyle changes that can help you get rid of that spare tire once and for all. The author outlines thought, behavior and external changes that helped him overcome 20 + years of obesity and binge eating as well as lose more than 100 pounds, which he has now kept off for 12 years. Topics include, measuring body fat and assessing where you are, creating a definite fat loss goal, getting active, handling emotions and urges to overeat, portion control, dietary changes, list of banned foods, addressing the internal world of thoughts and belief systems, the amazing power of 'daily fasting' and numerous other tips and techniques to promote belly fat loss. Even though losing belly fat can be challenging, the author presents the material in a point-by-point format that is detailed and easy to understand. If you are looking for a guide to help you make the lifestyle changes needed to achieve long-term fat loss, this book will prove itself to be a very useful addition to your library.
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